About Us


We are a grassroots movement that began in 1994 with the mission of monitoring the water quality of Dog River and quickly became the Dog River Clearwater Revival (DRCR). We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the water quality of the Dog River Watershed. Our mission is to create an environment where families, children, citizens, workers, and visitors work and play in a clean, safe, and accessible Dog River Watershed. Membership is open to any interested individual, family or organization. Members include citizens, property owners, recreational boaters, fishermen, businesses, organizations and all who care about protecting this incredible ecosystem. The Dog River Clearwater Revival successfully designs, implements and monitors projects that improve the environmental health of the Dog River Watershed in Mobile, Alabama.
IMG_5956We have a dynamic, energetic membership that works hard toward the goal of Healthy Waters, Healthy People. Our Board of Directors is elected in January at the Annual Meeting.  We hold events targeted at getting people on the river and have meetings throughout the year. We also participate in cleanups, restore wetlands, revitalize public lands and monitor developments within the watershed to make the best recommendations for the future of our lands.

Our Bylaws state: “The purpose of this organization is to improve the water quality in the streams, creeks, rivers and wetlands of the Dog River Watershed, and to restore and maintain the quality of life and best possible environment for fish and wildlife, public recreation, and commerce in the watershed. Dog River Clearwater Revival encourages vigilant enforcement of environmental protection laws, the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Best Available Technologies (BATs) in storm water and flood plain management, and general public education and outreach regarding responsible land use practices within the watershed.”

We hope you will join with us in making a difference today.